I was talking to a friend the other day (thank you Anne and boyfriend James), and as a French girl (I think you got that!), I was complaining about my life and about the fact that as millions of people or billions on this planet, I don't know what to do. Well one thing for sure I want to work in the fashion industry but I don't know anyone in it! And she replied to my long suffering by telling me that she read a book called The French diet, a book written by a French girl telling you how to lose weight the French way that is walking, using the stairs instead of the lifts etc and that her only selling point was that she was French! I do not pretend to write a book about how being French is great but I thought why not talk about French style, I mean Paris is thought to be the capital of style and fashion (thought by French people obviously!) so why not use my sole selling point, apart from being a girl and being thus naturally fabricated to love fashion, to talk about what I love!
There it is, my resolution for 2010, God help me!, is to show how pretentious French people are and how egocentric they are too! :)